Lord of this morning, Light of this day, Master of the darkness that daily dies, God of night and light and all that is, I come . Empty handed, I come. I bring to the morning and the day, nothing, Nothing, Nothing, but me ...myself .... my self, Undone, unfettered, unconditionally empty. I come. Our Father .... My loved one's Father .... Ours ... Father of my dearest friends and most adamant enemies if I have any .... Ours ... Father of the nations scattered, Father of the stranger ... Ours .... Hallowed be Thy Name. Holy, holy, holy, Lord, God Almighty. Thy name is Holy. Thy Name ... vast, uncontainable, unfathomable, yet ... Revealed to us as "I Am." You ARE ... Hallowed be THY NAME. Thy Kingdom ... Thy rule .... Thy dominating, liberating, rejuvenating Kingdom of Love, of Life, of Wonder ... COME! I come. Thy Kingdom Come ... Come to this house, to this body, to my church, my city, my nation ... My world. WE come, OUR Father ... Send forth Thy Kingdom in us and thro...